Last Updated 5/13/2020
When life gets overwhelming and you’re ready to throw in the towel, come get some inspiration from motivational quotes that are sure to help you catch your second wind.
We so easily compare our lives to others when we have no idea what it took nor how long it took for them to get there. We instantly feel as though we have failed in life when seeing others living the life in which we want to live. Social media has been one of the leading problems in this regard. But we have to remember that people only show us what they want us to see…moments in time, and the majority of what we see does not include their failures, sacrifices, struggles or bad days prior to.
Your journey is yours alone. Embrace it. The path you take to reach your goal may be longer or steeper or simply just different than someone else’s. Stop dwelling on where you are not, and begin working towards where you want to be. Let other people journeys inspire your own. Show more gratitude as you were thought of so much so to have been given a unique story to write of your own. If you don’t like the path you are on, CHANGE it. Continue being inspired, and let that inspiration help you manifest the life you always dreamed of.
Failure is inevitable on the road to greatness. A risk worth the reward. Ask any successful person you know.
Embrace the notion that you WILL make mistakes and know that it’s okay. The people you fear that will look at you as a failure if you make a mistake, are the ones doing NOTHING. They clearly have the time to judge you.
Be proud of yourself for conquering your fear and taking action. That leap of faith…You Did That! And even if the results weren’t what you expected, find peace in knowing you tried and now have learned something new for your next go at it. It’s much better to have experienced than to not have experienced something at all.
It amazes me how we give 110% effort to someone else’s dream, but do not put the same degree of effort and urgency in our own dreams and aspirations. Imagine showing up for yourself like you faithfully do for others. Picture where your business would be in the next few years. If the feeling of having your own, reaching your goals, and the sense of freedom it brings is not enough motivation to make you work a little harder for yourself, I don’t know what is.
Remember that all successful businesses began where you are right now. With that one, hard working, creative mind who knew that the small sacrifices would be worth the big reward. They never gave up no matter the many failures, sleep deprived nights and naysayers who resided on their doorstep. And neither should you. You ARE a part of the 3% who never quit.
Just think about it like this…no’s are just practice. No’s give you a chance to continuously improve upon both your product and your pitch. The practice will increase the probability of a yes the next time around.
You have to believe in yourself and in your product, stay consistent, and remain patient. All it takes is that 1 yes to change your life. Just make sure you are ready for it when it comes.
The time you’d use playing a video game or watching a season of your favorite tv show, could be time used investing in your future. All the time spent making up excuses on why you can’t accomplish something, you could be accomplishing it. No more excuses.
Morale of the story: Stay the path. What’s destined for you is yours. Don’t let no one deter you from your dreams, when they weren’t privy to the vision. They won’t support you in the beginning, but believe me…they will in the end. Let this be the fuel that starts your engine every morning. That passion and persistence will pay off. Promise.
“One mans loss is another mans treasure.” Validation motivates us to continue doing what we are doing, and without it, we sometimes question ourselves and our performance, as if out of 7.7 billion people in the world, the loss of a few approvals is the end of the world. We are all unique individuals, with different interest, likes and opinions.
I always say, “never give up because you never know who’s watching.” Your work will attract those who are interested in what you do and who are supposed to see it. Sometimes your vision is obstructed by the naysayers in the front row, not realizing that there’s someone admiring you from a far. Be confident in what you do and continuously improve yourself. Never stop doing your best. Remember your work is a reflection of you.
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