Last Updated 8/28/2019
Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, you can never get ahead? The long nights and early mornings seem to be all for nothing? You have fallen behind on milestones you wanted to reach and your family never hesitates to let you know that your biological clock is ticking and you should be married with kids by now.
You look around and it seems that everyone else have the recipe for success just right, yet no matter what you do, you can’t seem to catch a break and feel as though you have failed at this thing called life.
Well you are wrong my friend. First, I need you to breath. Second, never measure your success by the success of others. You guys have not experienced the same things, so don’t expect the same results at the same time. Even though you set goals, life happens, and so you have to make adjustments. Remember that you have one life to live, so live it however the hell you like. Let go and trust YOUR process.
Listed below are a few motivational quotes that will help you to remain patient and trust the process, along with a little inspiration from me to you.
“Give Yourself Time”
I always say, “Trust the process.” No need to feel rushed. What’s meant for you will be. Your success is not measured by the success of others. The path you walk is yours alone. Stop looking at other peoples lives and feeling down about your own. Focus on your journey and you too will live the life that you envisioned and that was destined for you. Give yourself time to grow into the person you want to be and make the best out of every life experience, both good and bad. Both are necessary to become the success story people will tell others about you.
Months from now you will be in a completely different space in life… Physically, mentally and financially. You’re going to look back on the days that were hard to get through and smile because you never stop believing in yourself and you made it. You kept pushing forward. Don’t get discouraged in the now as this is only a stepping stone to get you closer to your final destination. Stay focused on the bigger picture.
“If you do not separate from your distractions, your distractions will separate you from your goals.” – Carol Sankar
There will be a natural process of elimination that occurs on your journey. Anyone who is toxic and refuses to grow and change whether family or friend, must be left behind until they are ready to catch up. It’s called separation before elevation. Get ready for it, pay attention and don’t interrupt the process. Time to level up.
One way to define action is an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or MENTAL activity. We, as people, feel like there’s so much to be done and that the only way to feel accomplished is to physically be knocking task out, and in reality patience is also a form of action. Some task in life calls for us to allow the process to run its course. You do what needs to be done, and let the cards fall where they may. You overwhelming yourself or rushing, is not going to change the story already written for you. Rushing may get the job done, but you may miss a detail or make the wrong choice for the sake of making a choice. Don’t stress how long the process is because in the end, if done correctly, it will be worth the wait.
God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers… Only the strong will survive… Your transformation requires you to be uncomfortable at times. It requires you to make tough decisions. It requires you to step out on faith. It requires you to travel the roads less traveled.
The top 1% didn’t get there because it was easy. They simply did what the other 99% wouldn’t. Save the excuses for the weak. Life doesn’t get easier, you just become stronger and more wiser.
You have taken the first step which is believing in yourself. Let’s keep pushing. You are transforming into the person you are meant to be. The struggle, the failures, the long nights…It’s all a part of the process.
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