Last Updated 4/15/2020
Not feeling productive today? Need a boost of motivation? Well we have just the motivational quote you need to succeed. They are sure to ignite that fire underneath your wings.
We miss out on many opportunities due to procrastination. The reasons we procrastinate are endless. We lack the vision, organization or time. We are tired, lazy, distracted, overwhelmed, or even afraid of the outcome. Whatever the reason is, this deadly force prevents us from completing even the simplest of task.
As Benjamin Franklin would say, “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” No matter all the excuses you come up with in your head to not do something, just start moving. The law of physics states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Taking that first step is all you need to get the ball rolling.
Instead of waiting for the New Year, start eating healthier and working out today. That business idea you had at work, start planning when you get home. Stop waiting for that perfect moment and create it. You can start small, just start somewhere and let the time be now.
Where you are and are not in life right now is because of decisions you made. You cannot change the road conditions, but as the driver, you can steer in the direction in which you would like to go. The reality you create is shaped by what you focus your attention on and the thoughts that you manifest for yourself. Your future is what you make it.
When you are uninspired or lack interest in something, you are less enthused to engage in activities surrounding it. A lot of people do what they need to do to get by and not what they want to do. Intrinsic motivation puts your body into action. Figure out what ignites that inner spark from within, and then work it into your daily routine.
Procrastination is a thief of time. Why put off until tomorrow, what can be done today. The time is now. Your first step may not be your best step, but it’s a step in the right direction. Let’s go!
It amazes me how we give 110% effort to someone else’s dream, but do not put the same degree of effort and urgency in our own dreams and aspirations. Imagine showing up for yourself like you faithfully do for others. Picture where your business would be in the next few years. If the feeling of having your own, reaching your goals, and the sense of freedom it brings is not enough motivation to make you work a little harder for yourself, I don’t know what is.
Remember that all successful businesses began where you are right now. With that one, hard working, creative mind who knew that the small sacrifices would be worth the big reward. They never gave up no matter the many failures, sleep deprived nights and naysayers who resided on their doorstep. And neither should you. You ARE a part of the 3% who never quit.
Stay optimistic. Life is full of lessons. Regret nothing and learn from everything!
The world and everything in it is constantly evolving. If you are unable to adapt, you will not grow. If you do not grow, you don’t succeed.
As a business owner you have to always be aware of the changes in your industry, and make the proper adjustments. This will help with your competitive edge. Stay relevant. Be bold and innovative. Keep a progressive mindset.
Change is inevitable and we can either effect a desired change ourselves, or be subject to the results of someone else’s change. You choose.
If you want to run a successful business you have to know how to focus your attention on the bigger picture. Micromanaging is easy, yet time consuming. You thinking that you can get things done more efficiently or faster than someone else, will leave you spending more time on the simple details rather than actually running your business. As an effective leader, you must trust others to help you build your empire, so that you can focus on planning, strategizing and scaling your business. The only person in your company who is intrinsically motivated to grow your business is you, so do it!
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