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Polished Puckers by Devani is a kid friendly lip care line in Detroit, specializing in all-natural lip balm, lip gloss and lip scrubs. Co-owner, Christen Devani Elliot, is the youngest featured move maker on our Motivational Entrepreneur List. During Detroit winters, Christen would suffer from severe chapped lips. Her mother wasted both time and money on lip balm and lip gloss that just would not work, so she began using all-natural products around the house for Christen. One night, God spoke to Christen’s mother telling her to start up a business for her. Christen and her mother agreed on a name and researched ingredients that was good for the skin. At the age of 8, Christen launched Polished Puckers by Devani on October 2nd of 2016. The all-natural lip balm, lip gloss, and lip scrubs are kid friendly, made right from the comfort of Christens kitchen. It was important for Christen and her mother to come up with an all-natural lip balm and lip gloss line, not only to help Christen heal from dry lips, but to help others who may suffer from similar issues in the Detroit winters.
Christen is the face of Polished Puckers by Devani. Their motto is “we sell the problem we solve while our product sells itself!” Devani is motivated by her supporters, which she has a lot of. In addition to being the co-owner and face of her own all-natural lip balm and lip gloss line, Christen is a competitive dancer at Studio Detroit Dance Center, treasurer of PRINCESSES to QUEENS Organization, and co-owner of Rejoice in Return Foundation, all while managing to remain on the honor roll at school.
“Our only challenge so far is lack of funding to really revamp and market the brand how we want…we are still working hard towards it.” Polished Puckers by Devani of Detroit is currently being funded by sales and Christen’s parents.
“You don’t just get something. You have to work for it. So don’t think that you can just start your business and think you can just get the money. You have to work for the money too.” – Christen Devani
“Make sure you’re starting a unique business with purpose. Always have business cards on you. You never know who you’d run into.” – Polished Puckers by Devani
Polished Puckers by Devani of Detroit offers:
- Natural lip balm
- Natural lip gloss
- Natural lip scrubs
Polished Puckers by Devani is a kid friendly lip care line in Detroit, specializing in all-natural lip balm, lip gloss and lip scrubs. Co-owner, Christen Devani Elliot, is the youngest featured move maker on our Motivational Entrepreneur List whose lip care line is loved by Detroit men, women and children alike.
*Video snippets were from an interview Christen and her mother had with the Black Business Finder.
For more information on this move maker, contact us.